major vs minor guitar

When to Play Major vs Minor Pentatonic [It's easier than you think!]

The Difference Between Major and Minor

Major VS Minor On Guitar - What's The Difference? Music Theory for Guitar

Major vs Minor Pentatonic Scales (The Difference Explained...)

Guitar scales explained like you're 5

The Difference Between Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales


Why The Major Scale Is So Important (It's More Than Just A Scale)

B Major Triad Drill - Close Position #guitar #guitarpractice #jazz #chords

John Mayer Teaches His PENTATONIC EQUATOR Concept with fretLIVE Animations! (Guitar Lesson)

Difference Between Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales

How to Get the Minor Scale From the Major Scale

Minor VS Major Pentatonic Scales (Guitar Scales Lesson)

Swapping Major and Minor Pentatonic Scales

What are Minor Chords on Guitar? | Guitar for Beginners

Joe Satriani Guitar Lesson - Mixing Major and Minor

MUSIC THEORY in 12 minutes for nOOBS

Mixing Major and Minor Pentatonic Scale Lesson Blues Rock Guitar

The Essential Guide to Mastering the Major Scale on Guitar

Basic Guitar Lesson 11 | Learn to Play Major and Minor Scales on Guitar | Guitar Mantra

Building Chords, Easy Music Theory

You’ve Been Practicing The Pentatonic Scale on Guitar WRONG!

The ultimate guide to the pentatonic scales for guitar (Major and Minor) - when & how to use - EP436

How To MASTER the Major Scale